Green Wing and Free Agents star Stephen Mangan is to play the lead role in BBC4's adaptation of the late Douglas Adams Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Mangan will be joined by Darren Boyd as his sidekick Richard MacDuff and Cold Feet and Friends actor Helen Baxendale, as MacDuff's girlfriend Susan. Adapted by the Bafta-winning writer Howard Overman – who is also behind Misfits, Vexed and Merlin – Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency follows the exploits of Adams's chaotic character as he uses his unusual methods to solve crimes. Mangan said: "I've been a fan of Douglas Adams ever since the Hitchhiker's radio series which I used to record as a child and listen to over and over again in my bedroom. It's such a thrill to now be playing one of his brilliant characters. "Dirk is a chaotic, anarchic force of nature with a totally unique take on the world. He is described as 'lazy, untidy, dismissive and unreliable'. I've absolutely no idea why they thought I'd be right for the role." The Dirk Gently books have formed the basis of a play and a BBC Radio 4 series but have never before been filmed for TV. Adams's agent, Ed Victor, said: "For all the years I represented the late, great Douglas Adams, the most substantial frustration for both of us was that we couldn't get films made either of Hitchhiker or Dirk. "Douglas once said, memorably, that 'getting a film made in Hollywood was like trying to cook a steak by having a bunch of people come into the room and breathe on it'. Well, we did eventually get a film made in Hollywood of Hitchhiker and, tragically, Douglas didn't live to see it. Nor will he see this adaptation of Dirk – but it's worth bearing in mind that Douglas always thought Dirk would make a better film than Hitchhiker and I feel sure that this new TV drama with a terrific script by Howard Overman will prove his point." Shooting begins this week in Bristol on the 60-minute drama, which is being made by ITV Studios in association with the Welded Tandem Picture Company. The Dirk Gently production is to be directed by Damon Thomas – who also directed BBC4 drama The First Men in the Moon – and will air early next year.收起
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少女罗疏家道中落落入贱籍,因洞悉人心、善解人意,得花名 “锦囊” 。为改变命运,她毛遂自荐助力新任县令韩慕之破解一起大案,自此暂留县衙化身捕快协助查案,过程中结识了想游历江湖的少年公子齐梦麟。罗疏善破奇情诡案,惨绝人寰的“无头女尸案”、猎奇吊诡的“汾河裸尸案”、人心叵测的“酒坊杀人案”……十大民间奇案接连上演,每看到案中的可怜女子,罗疏与齐梦麟都尽己所能帮她们讨回公道。随着桩桩悬案的破解,罗疏与齐梦麟的感情也逐渐升温,殊不知一场更大阴谋正在悄然逼近。