①Guy Forks: Guy Forks takes place on the build-up to bonfire night in Scatterbrook, where Worzel finds himself in peril after an argument results in him agreeing to swap jobs with his cousin, a Guy Fawkes effigy. With The Bonfire Night Committee distracted, Guy convinces Worzel to swap places, but it soon becomes clear that Worzel has bitten off more than he can chew. With Worzel stuck on top of the bonfire, John and Susan turn to Aunt Sally for help, but can they find a way to rescue Worzel before time runs out? ②Twitchers: Twitchers, sees a flock of rare birds arrive on Scatterbook Farm, giving Worzel an opportunity to challenge his scaring skills, but those plans are quickly ruined when a group of birdwatchers move in. o make matters worse, the twitchers’ arrival forces Mr B to come to face to face with his old birdwatching rival, Lee Dangerman. With the twitchers refusing to leave, can the children come up with a plan to help scare the choughs and save Worzel and Mr B from embarrassment? ③Calliope Jane Calliope Jane will see FR Peregrine’s travelling fair arrive in Scatterbrook, which Worzel desperately wants to attend but can’t risk being seen by the humans of the village. So, he seeks out a magical organ which legend says has the power to send humans to sleep, allowing scarecrows to enjoy everything the funfair has to offer. At the museum, Aunt Sally finds herself agreeing to go on an adventure with another ex-fairground attraction, Calliope Jane, and it turns out Worzel isn’t the only scarecrow who wants to attend the fair… As the scarecrows descend, the risk of being seen intensifies, but will the legend of the enchanted organ turn out to be true?收起
胡冰卿 翟子路 贺鹏 丁笑滢 冯筱童 李嘉鑫 张晓晨 翟宇佳 孙雅丽 刘长德 周陆啦 刘园媛 李依晓 李浩菲 杨志雯 邵峰 于波 林源 姬他 沈泰 景如洋 温心 迟嘉 书亚信 林辰涵 王策 张雷 张傲月 孙萌
少女罗疏家道中落落入贱籍,因洞悉人心、善解人意,得花名 “锦囊” 。为改变命运,她毛遂自荐助力新任县令韩慕之破解一起大案,自此暂留县衙化身捕快协助查案,过程中结识了想游历江湖的少年公子齐梦麟。罗疏善破奇情诡案,惨绝人寰的“无头女尸案”、猎奇吊诡的“汾河裸尸案”、人心叵测的“酒坊杀人案”……十大民间奇案接连上演,每看到案中的可怜女子,罗疏与齐梦麟都尽己所能帮她们讨回公道。随着桩桩悬案的破解,罗疏与齐梦麟的感情也逐渐升温,殊不知一场更大阴谋正在悄然逼近。